Appropedia is a website for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development, with a particular focus on appropriate technology. Appropedia is a wiki-based website like Wikipedia, a website where a large number of participants are allowed to create and modify the content directly from their web browsers. Appropedia is a site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development. It is an open website for users to co-create sustainable solutions, questions, and information; it serves as a resource area for other organizations
Virtual Organization for Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design (VOICED) is a virtual organization that promotes innovation in engineering design. This project is the collaborative work of researchers at five universities across the United States, and is funded by the National Science Foundation. The goal of this virtual organization is to facilitate the sharing of design information between often geographically dispersed engineers and designers through the use of a robust and sophisticated design repository. Additionally, functional data can be mapped to historical failure data[1] and possible components[2] to create a conceptual design.
Instructables is a website specializing in user-created and uploaded do-it-yourself projects, which other users can comment on and rate for quality. It was created by Eric Wilhelm, a mechanical engineer, and launched in August 2005. Instructables is dedicated to step-by-step collaboration among members to build a variety of projects. Users post instructions to their projects, usually accompanied by visual aids, and then interact through comment sections below each Instructable step as well in topic forums.